9 Common Garden Pests You Should Know About

Garden Pests

Gardening is a common hobby shared by millions of people around the globe. After all, when our hard work finally bears fruit, and we see our beloved buds blossoming into the most extravagant flowers, the joy is limitless. But gardening is easier said than done. For starters, we don’t have any control over the weather. On top of that, the constant problem of pests can dampen all your efforts and destroy your garden. Today, we will examine some common pests that aspiring gardeners should know about.


Aphids are semi-translucent insects that you can find clustered on the underside of leaves. They are infamous for using their tiny piercing mouths to suck out plant fluids. Aphids are not very mobile and are usually moved around by ants. If you don’t treat them immediately, then they can multiply to a great extent

Japanese Beetles

The shiny green Japanese beetles can munch your entire garden in a few days. They are voracious eaters and not picky about what comes into their platter. Even if you spot a single Japanese beetle, it’s time to take action and contact a pest removal firm.


Mealybugs’ actions are similar to those of aphids. But rather than being squishy and soft, they have a waxy covering that gives them a fuzzy look.


Caterpillars are voracious leaf eaters and can damage your leafy vegetables. Often, caterpillars contain hairs, which might be extremely dangerous to gardeners when making skin contact.


These microscopic roundworms infest the soil. While some are harmless and some are beneficial, the remaining variety can cause serious concern for food plants. Crop plants succumbing to root-based nematode infection might result in a reduced yield and even plant death in the worst cases. You can’t spot them with the naked eye, but the damage they cause is unmistakable.


Grasshoppers are medium-sized insects featuring long back legs and hard exoskeletons. They move around like wildfire and can destroy your garden’s vegetation within a few days. Weeds and grass lure in the grasshoppers. Keeping the same under control can prevent a grasshopper infestation.

Snails & Slugs

These are garden mollusks commonly found in moist areas. They nibble on tender garden plants and can usually be spotted in the early morning or late at night.


These insects are excellent at camouflaging. Their body parts resemble the plants they feed upon. You might spot the scales as unusual growths or bumps on woody plant leaves and bodies.

Gall Mites

Have you spotted strange growths in your plant leaves during spring? Chances are high that your garden has been infested with gall mites. They are contagious and do not significantly harm the plants. Yet they might lead to disfigured leaves that aren’t very visually appealing.


Knowing your enemy is the best way to prepare for a tough fight. If you spot any or multiple pests in your garden, it’s time to schedule an appointment with pest control in boca raton. Choosing a broad spectrum of pest control might harm innocent animals and other harmless insects. However, these specialists bring years of experience that can target your specific problem and provide tailor-made solutions.


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