Is It Time for You to Leave the City?


Living the coveted city life comes with an awesome variety of perks. First of all, everything you need for your busy schedule is just at your fingertips—from all the best restaurants, grocery stores and laundromats, and even the best bars are easily found in one place. The city is so alive at any time of the day, and that is why many people love it.

When the pandemic struck, it forever changed how city dwellers went about their days. There were suddenly no more of the Friday night parties and impromptu lunch dates with friends.

Then a silver lining appeared through the wider vaccinations that are currently ongoing. Maybe you were lucky to have stuck it out through the toughest parts of the lockdowns, too. But do you find yourself still at a point where you’re wondering if it is finally time for you to go?

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Away

Uprooting your life from the city requires a lot of thought. Here are some things you should consider before going for the big move. Take some time to reflect on how sure you are and how practical it is.

  1. Do you need more space in your home?

Sitting in your apartment day in and day out through a year and counting of the COVID-19 pandemic may have made you desire a space that is less cramped and more connected with nature. Is this something that you are struggling to achieve in your current home and is it turning into a problem?

First, consider if the problem is really about needing a bigger home with better space and more greenery. Maybe you just need a whole day of decluttering to open up your space! Simply put, take a moment to figure out if the problem is the space itself or the stuff occupying it.

If you are still set on leaving the city, make sure you employ reliable assistance for moving. This early on, check on the available companies that can help you and inquire about moving rates.

  1. Are you looking for a more affordable standard of living?

Another thing to consider is if the cost of living in the city is becoming too expensive for you. Was your income negatively affected during the pandemic and has recovering been a struggle? Maybe it’s time to move somewhere more affordable.

Consider, too, if your financial concerns can be solved by rebudgeting your income and expenses and letting go of some luxuries you used to enjoy. Will it only be a matter of time until your income returns to its previous level? If not, then moving to a place with a lower standard of living may be better for your financial situation.

  1. Are there better job opportunities for you outside the city?

Following the question of affordability in the city, you should also see if there are better job opportunities in other states. If moving away means finding more affordable housing and getting a job that pays better, then it’s almost a no-brainer!

However, before deciding, have you also checked with your boss if it is possible to get a raise? Maybe you have taken on more responsibilities at work due to the challenges of the pandemic and have been performing well.

Alternatively, you can also check if there are better paying work prospects in the city you currently live in. The answer to your concerns could just be finding better income in the same place.

  1. Are you searching for a community to grow in?

While financial concerns are a major consideration for staying in or leaving the city, that may not be all there is to it. Maybe you have come to a point where you have already outgrown the once exciting lifestyle afforded by the bustling city life.

Are you longing to belong in a small community in a small neighborhood where the neighbors are friends? Through the pandemic, have you realized that you would prefer to live in a quiet space that is more laid-back? By moving away from the city, you can find yourself in a new place in which you are in the company of friendly, welcoming neighbors and have access to more open spaces that the city may not have had much of.

Carefully reflect on these questions. Are your answers all a confident yes or are you feeling a bit iffy on some aspects? Take some time to think it over.

Consider the alternatives, too, to see if they can solve your current concerns. Moving out of the city is a big deal, so don’t stress yourself out by trying to make an immediate decision.


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