Solar Panel Bird Proofing Guide for California Homeowners

Solar Panel

Solar panels can help you save money and the environment by reducing your energy bills. Many homeowners overlook the problem of birds nesting beneath solar panels. Solar panel birdproofing eliminates any health risks and prevents damage. Here is a guide to keeping your solar panels bird-free.

Bird Proofing: Why it is Important

Solar panels provide warmth and protection for birds, especially pigeons and seagulls. Nests can damage wiring and cause corrosion. Airflow can be blocked by droppings. Bird infestations can invalidate the warranty on your solar panels. Bird-proofing your solar panels will not only protect you investment but also keep both system and home in good condition.

Common Bird Proofing Techniques

  1. Bird Netting: One of the best methods to discourage birds is by installing netting around the edges of solar panels. This will create an invisible barrier that won’t block the sun and keep your solar system fully functional.
  2. Bird Spikes are simple devices that keep birds off your solar panels. Bird spikes are easily installed around the solar panel edges to discourage birds from nesting there.
  3. These screens are a permanent solution, custom-fitted for your panels. They prevent access beneath them. These screens are designed to blend in with the aesthetics of your home while offering robust protection.

Birdproofing solar panels is a must for any Californian homeowner who wants their investment to be protected. By choosing the right method, you can keep your solar panel clean and efficient while keeping birds away.

This article has been written by an expert from Affordable Cleaning Pros. Affordable Cleaning Pros provides professional San Jacinto Cleaning in order to maximize the return on your investment. Affordable Cleaning Pros can help you if pigeons are living under your solar panel! Your solar panels may be cleaned nearby by Cost-effective Cleaning Professionals. To do this, the solar panels will be thoroughly cleaned, Critterguard will be installed to pigeonproof the panel, and it will be ensured that they do not return. Affordable Cleaning Pros offers solar panel birdproofing near you. The company also offers an industry-leading guarantee and a complimentary annual inspection.


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