Tips for Exterior Home Designs

Exterior Home Designs

The next thing that you think upon after buying a house is the way to decorate the home in the best possible designs. Budget is the biggest factor. Decor of the exterior refers to the process of designing the house similar to the interiors in the best possible ways. Exterior designs need to be creative and hold impact of serenity through every piece of emergency.

Here in this article you will be able to catch up with the details and ways to add decor tips to the exterior of home designs.

  1. Prime focus on designing roof tops

The roof is the most important part of the house which remains exposed to the environment and extreme weather conditions. It is very important to choose a suitable material and colour for the roof which can sustain the climate of a particular location.

  1. Add some light colours

Light colours work well on the roof because it is exposed under a high temperature which should be capable of reflection of heat. There is a huge range of roofing option is available like plastic polymer and clay tiles etc. Plastic polymer is very durable with moderately priced but clay tiles are low maintenance, it is quite expensive.

  1. Be choosy about Roof tiles

Roof tiles are available in variety of types, styles, colour and texture. Now a day’s one of the most popular roofing is transparent roofing which is made of glass, polycarbonate or other clear materials.

  1. Colours for Exterior Walls of the house

When it comes to painting of the exterior of the house, stick to two or maximum three colours only as more colours on the exterior appear cluttered. This combination will create a good appeal to your house. You should always avoid black or any texture of dark colour because it absorbs dust and these results in repainting your exterior walls.

  1. Create some light feel

It is better to use a light colour shade with a pale shade of dark. This is to highlight the main features of the house. High gloss paints are not suitable for exterior walls. Use a satin colour as it is durable and easy to clean too.

  1. Enhance with some Front Door Tips

Your front door of your house is indeed the focal point. It should be beautiful and it reflects your personal choice. You can smooth horizontal wood panel with a silky black handle guard on the front door. This will give the frontier, a contemporary look. At times the doors that reach from top to the bottom give an illusion of large entry than they actually pose to be. The vibrant colours of wood add character to the exteriors. Glass door can be another option. Infact a textured sheet of glass compliments well with the exterior of the house. You should know some good home decoration tips.

  1. Tips to create good exterior lighting

The outdoor lighting is extremely important for the appearance as well as for creating safety and security at night. You can use different types of night lights to compliment your house. Placing of the accent fixtures truly make the beautiful décor stand out.


Make sure that you have chosen the best exterior decor plans for your new home. The beauty of the house is enhanced through great touch of essence and beauty as such. Make sure you do not fall short of anything that can make your home look great both from exteriors and also from interiors. For more interesting decor tips you have to stay tuned and read the latest updates.


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