What Is Cheap Loft Insulation Made Of? A Closer Look

Cheap Loft Insulation

As the temperature drops outside, you’ve probably been moving the thermostat up inside. But if you don’t have a properly insulated loft, at least a quarter of that warm air will be drifting up and out the roof while you shiver under your grandmother’s quilt.

While some insulation is better than none, knowing what your cheap loft insulation is made of goes a long way toward ensuring you get the best insulation you can afford. The range of materials impacts the cost, effectiveness, and application of your choice.

Let’s take a look at your options when it comes time to insulate your loft.


This is the classic that you see at the hardware store in those large pink rolled batts. While those are often the cheapest option because you can easily install them yourself, they aren’t always the best choice for keeping the heat in.

A better option is blow-in fiberglass, which is best done by a professional. The small pieces can easily get into tight spaces and awkward cracks to get more complete coverage of the loft floor. It provides more complete coverage than the batts, which can leak air around the sides.

Fiberglass can have decent ratings or R-value but doesn’t always maintain that in extreme temperatures. That’s why it’s good to learn more about loft insulation before going this route.


This material provides a more eco-friendly option than fiberglass without bumping up the price. It’s made of materials like recycled newspaper, cotton, straw, sawdust, and hemp.

It gets blown-in just like fiberglass at roughly the same cost. This makes it good for adding to irregularly shaped areas and hard-to-reach spots. Along with being more green, cellulose also provides a slightly higher R-value than fiberglass.

Spray Foam

A newer option is spray foam, which sticks to every inch of the structure of your loft. It can get into all the small nooks and crannies and doesn’t settle or move once it’s solidified. It should be applied by a professional and comes at a significantly higher cost than fiberglass or cellulose products.

The process involves spraying liquid polyurethane around the loft space to cover everything. The liquid expands and solidifies to create a solid barrier to escaping air. This gives it a higher R-value, which should result in more energy savings in the long run.

Find Cheap Loft Insulation

You have a lot of choices for insulation to keep your home nice and toasty in the winter months. If cost is a factor, you can find cheap loft insulation made of most material options out there, although the best loft insulation is determined by R-value rather than material.

As a rule, rolled batting costs more than blown-in insulation of fiberglass or cellulose while providing less protection from the cold, but is easy to install yourself, making it a popular choice.

If you’re interested in DIY loft insulation, check out our other articles for more on home maintenance and repair projects.


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